Since my last blog dated 01 the April Fool day, count count really don't know it's a already 2 months past liao. Just don't have anythings in mind to write about but often read others blog partly due my part-time course assignment and project, mostly is my laziness to write and think of others.
I'm jobless now, awaiting for reply of my application and recommendation from friends, has been resting for quite awhile, got to find a job or something to do for my income, if not will be begging by the roadside liao.
Recently week, have been meeting up oldbeng n a friend for lunch at his working area. Bros, can I not eat samba sotong any more, make me a little desire strait down there and believe me at my age now, I feel that I'm getting a bit of "wao oooo" color wolf and hum sub, but not to worry I'll look only no touch, not my style, unless hei hei hei.....
I got this damn feeling last week when a few of the ex-customers called me and meet up with them in seperate occasion for chit chat and drinking session, well main topic is my employment seized,
Most of them throw this question at me,"Brother, why like that? and you don't even bother to inform, huh?
Me said, "commo, it's already a past and they never inform you peoples meh"
and I carry on telling them what's friends about and how a friend is and a friend indeed, each and every owe way and situation to treat and make a friend, how good and bad, it depend on individual mindset
Leave the company after more than 10 years, peoples and friends was telling me, don't work in a company for more than 10 years, it's unhealthy, well, this is also another thinking
Some also said that if the company you working do not have the urge and intention to upgrade, enhance and never show co-operation from top, damn alot of those office politic, apple polishing and light ear bosses, very unhealthy. There again with all the arrow flying and missle bombing, to work is 1 thing, and how the company going to do business like that, well not my problem already anyway.
Till now I still received call from ex-colleagues, those that have left the company asking me how the hell you can work in such a environment for over 10 years, I'm thinking why job hop stay and earn a decent living, THAT'S DAMN WRONG, your employment faith lie with those above you, they either cover their own asshole or you don't follow their order, you're finish. You AB they purposely give you more kantow and dig into those you know better than them to find fault, some peoples tell me, if a company that do not the R&D department, you can go find another job liao......., in my mind, so easy meh?
Ai ya, already over liao, infact on the very day I left, I feel a kind of relief in me, just can't explain why, maybe it's mostly due to the above I mentioned that I encounted, then again everywhere you work in more or less you'll face with this kind of problematic situation or human creating unpleasant commotion. Well I'm taking thing easy here and of course got to find a job fast also, if not the more I sit around the more lazy I'll be, that is a BIG BIG problem.
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@$%€!!! Nah!
If you dont want sotong then choose something else la, bro.
Kns you.
fish you lah got sotong eat is very good liao....KNN untill now that BIG F had not spend me any sotong....tillllllll
How are you now?
Found a job buay? or begging at roadside? :P
hey, sunflower how's things with you?
No, have not get a decent job yet but not begging yet also, if so, will you support to contribute some huh? ha ha
What happen to your blog, no more?
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